SUGAR I am not on here to make you feel guilty if you are consuming too much of the stuff, (obviously the absence of it helps us), I just wanted to explain why it’s so hard to eliminate it from our diet and give you help with dealing with this.
You may have made promises to yourself on the 1st January to be healthier and cut down on sugar, and you may have found it was far more harder than you expected, here’s why…
”The sugar cycle” Too much sugar (including refined carbs such as white bread and pasta and alcohol), leads to an increase in secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin makes sure that body cells get sugar for energy. Excess sugar that cannot be used by the cells is stored as triglycerides in the fat cells (and causes extra fat). At the same time, excess sugar causes changes to our brain chemistry and triggers dopamine, causing feelings of addiction and pleasure (dopamine is the same chemical reaction created when taking cocaine and other drugs!). As large amounts of secreted insulin act fast, the blood sugar rapidly decreases. Blood sugar fluctuations from too high to too low cause new cravings, which lead to consumption of more sugary foods even if you are not hungry and don’t lack energy!
So, given this information, be gentle on yourself if you are finding it hard to kick the sugar.
Here are some things that can help you.
Consider a chromium supplement: Chromium is a trace mineral that can help your blood sugar stay stable, alternatively you can try increasing your food sources of chromium: whole grain bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, green beans, tomatoes, fresh vegetable, black pepper, thyme, dairy products, organic eggs and fish.
Be mentally prepared –
Write a list down of your current feelings versus those after you have once you stopped being addicted. (ie, anxious, embarrassed, addicted, low self power, low motivation, depressed vs happy, high self esteem, confident, successful, addiction free). Then create a list of the negative effects sugar has on your health and life in general (risk of cancer, obesity, heart disease, bad skin, mood fluctuations) this should give you motivation to start fighting against your addiction.
Physically prepare by emptying the kitchen cupboards of sugary foods).
Do not get hungry! in order to avoid any sugar fluctuations that may cause cravings, it is important you eat every 2-3 hours, when you are hungry, you are more likely to make unhealthy choices.
Sour foods such as lemons, plain yogurt and fermented foods have the ability to reduce sugar cravings.
listen to your body, learn to listen when your body sends messages of hunger or satiety. Start eating your meal when you are relaxed and without tension. Never eat in front of a tv or computer screen.
Use natural carbohydrate-craving suppressants and blood sugar balancers. Did you know that there are many natural ingredients that have the ability to suppress carbohydrate cravings by balancing your blood sugar? The most important ones include ; fenugreek, banaba leaf, bitter melon, prickly pear, liquorice, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, Gymnema sylvestre and digestive enzymes (lipase). For example, Gymnema sylvestre, a herb native to Sri Lanka, also known as gurmar, is a reputed herb used in Ayurverdic medicine, and research studies have shown that it can positively affect blood sugar homeostasis, control sugar cravings and promote regeneration of the pancreas. Except from blood sugar stabilisation, Gymnema sylvestre can also aid in bodyweight reduction and reduction of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
Good luck!